The recently discovered virus known as Flame has revived the fears sparked by the now-infamous Stuxnet virus uncovered in 2010. Despite all the hoopla, however, the effects of the two viruses may end up being very different.
Some comparisons between the two “super viruses” are undoubtedly appropriate: Both seemed to be aimed at Iran and its neighbors; both had the fingerprints of Western governments; both could be spread to computers by removable devices; and both caught the media’s attention in a huge way.............
Still, by virtue of its apparent target in Iran; its potential links to governments; and its hold on the headlines, Flame will play a role in the policy debate over how to better secure the Internet and computer networks.
Stuxnet rocked the cybersecurity world for one very basic reason: The damage it did to Iranian nuclear facilities was the first relatively concrete example of a computer attack causing physical damage.........
If Stuxnet was a cyberwarrior, Flame is a cyberspy. From a technical standpoint, Flame may be unprecedentedly sophisticated, far-reaching, and even state-sponsored, but at this point cyberspies are not a game-changer....................
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